
String (disk-path)

Not specified


The JadeHelpBaseUrl parameter specifies the URL that will be used to access topics in the HTML5 Web format product information from context-sensitive help functionality in the JADE development environment when the value of the UseJadeWebHelp parameter is set to true (the default).

When the UseJadeWebHelp parameter is set to true and a JADE help file is requested (for example, when F1 is pressed for context-sensitive online help from the JADE development environment), JADE reads the JadeHelpBaseUrl parameter. If a value is specified for the JadeHelpBaseUrl parameter, it uses that URL. If the value is <default> or it is empty, the URL is determined by the internal hard‑coded URL for the current release.

If you specify a value for this parameter, it must be a complete URL. For example, the [JadeHelp] section of the JADE initialization file could contain the following parameter values.

UseJadeWebHelp  = true
JadeHelpBaseUrl = https://www.jadeworld.com/docs/jade-2018/Default.htm

Where the .htm extension is used, .html is also valid.